The Route Management Study

The RMS for the A12 and A120 is one of the first to be carried out in the country.

The Government has changed the way we think about planning roads and other transport. We now ned to look at the regional picture, focus on the needs and consider how we can best bring together road planning with other transport and planning decisions. to do this the Highways Agency is using a method called Route Management Strategy or RMS.

RMS helps us to:

The result of the RMS is a 10 year programme of maintenance and improvement schemes to make the best use of the exisiting highway. Below is a summary of these proposals.

What's been going on up to now?

A large amout of data and information has been collected for the two routes.

Consultations have taken place with local organisations (such as local authorities, regional planners, police and transport operators) and local communities (parish councils, residents, environmental groups and user groups).

Approximatly 300 concerns were raised, ranging from public transport and environmental issues to congestion, road layout and quality of facilities. In addition to the problems raised we also recieved over 300 ideas for possible improvements to the routes. These suggestions have been considered in preparing the draft Route Management Strategy for the A12 and A120. The strategy is made up of the following high, medium and low priority actions.

RMS High priority actions

RMS Medium priority actions

RMS Low priority actions

London to Ipswich Multi Modal Study (MMS)

A separate Government study is considering all methods of transport and their interaction with each other in a wide corridor along the A12 and A120.

This is the London to Ipswich Multi Modal Study known as LOIS. It will address the most severe strategic transport problems rather than isolated local transport problems. It will focus on problems on the road, rail and bus systems, including access to ports and airports. The study could also include analysis of problems of air transport, coastal shipping and inland waterways. In addition to this, sustainable modes such as walking and cycling will be considered. Options are assessed with a 30 year planning horizon. The results of LOIS will be used by regional planning body to develop and review the Regional Transport Strategy.

What about ...?

The RMS is generally restricted to schemes costing less than £5 million that can be implemented within 10 years.

Many suggestions recieved were beyond the scope of the RMS, these are being passed on to LOIS, local councils, police, public transport operators, regional planners ant the Department of the Environment, Transport and Regions (DETR) as appropriate.

What else is happening?

Major maintenance is currently underway on the A12 between the M25 and Brentwood, and is due to be completed in May. Further A12 maintenance schemes are planned at Hatfield Peverel in the summer of 2001 and in 2002 between Brentwood and Mountnessing.

Bridge strengthening works are also being undertaken on the A12 north of Colchester and are due for completion in during summer 2001.

The preferred route for the A12 Hatfield Peverel to Witham Link Road was announced in 2000. It is proposed to close the two on the north side of Hatfield Peverel and link The Street to an improved junction to the south of Witham. The Draft Statutory Orders are due to be published in spring 2001, and work could start on the scheme in 2001/2002 subject to completion of the statutory process and the availability of funding. Further information on this sceme can be provided on request from the Highways Agency.

What happens next with the RMS?

This is your chance to have your say on the draft proposals. All comments recieved during the public cosultation (this ended 31st March, 2001) will be considered before the RMS is finalised. the high priority actions will then be taken forward during the next 3 years, providing funds are available. The RMS will be reviewed and updated on an annual basis.

Additional information

More detailed information on the Highway Agency's proposals for managing the A12 and A120 are included in the draft RMS document. This can be purchased from the Agency, at a cost of £10 per copy or viewed at the following locations:


Highways Agency
Simon Amor - Project Manager
Highways Agency
Heron House
49/53 Goldington Road
MK40 3LL

Ros Howe - Project Assistant
Owen Williams Consultants
Central Depot
Mile Cross Road
Fax: 01603 411167